Boilin' it
The tin foil project ended up going really well. It was fun and easygoing to work with Sara, and I think we both got a lot out of it in addition to a few huge sheets of tin foil honeycomb. What was best was our ability to communicate and plan in the beginning stages. We went through a couple ideas together and worked them through on our own to find out that we didn't really want to realize them. Then Sara came up with this great pattern and we both discussed different ways to go about displaying them. For me, this was the most important part of the project - we worked through our creative process together, and we were able to communicate to each other our ideas the whole time. I think good communication is key for any collaboration.
The final product is pretty nice, though it could use a couple things here and there. Perhaps if we had more time, we could have checked out a couple different ways of hanging and spacing the sheets. Even in the short amount of time though, we produced something that I'm happy with.
Now onto furniture. I'm really psyched for this. I want to make something simple so I can get used to working with wood, the different saws and geometry again. I think this project will give me some aspirations for what I might do later with wood. I'm excited to get back down there tomorrow at 1.