Monday, March 22, 2010

Assignment for the Body - March 22

This post is a little late, but I figured I'd still reflect on the process of making the little shrine like room with Lisa. It was a fairly smooth process - Lisa and I got along well and were productive. I guess in the end though I was just a bit burnt out. I like large scale pieces, but maybe I'm realizing that I don't like making them. The whole process involved many different concentrated ideas, such as the coffin or the floor or the walls or the general shape and each of them took a considerable amount of thought and work. It ended up just being an exhausting piece to work on, so maybe that's what wasn't very enjoyable for me.
In the end, though, I'm pleased with the piece. I really liked people's comments, and it actually helped me a lot in thinking about it after the fact of making it. I particularly liked what people had to say about there being no center, no central icon or figure through which one can find some finite meaning or intention. It's like Christianity without Christ or something. As we were working on the room, I thought about how there really wasn't a center, but I never realized that it's we were engaging in an interesting way with things that signify an immersive, religious experience without any religion, without any iconography, without any symbols of an ideology. Sure, the black roses signify something, but I think that '8th grade goth' can easily be superseded or displaced by other parts of the space (the perspective created by the walls, the leather texture of the coffin, the shining floor, the lamp, etc).
I'm really, really excited to play with light. Today was really fun, and I'm realizing how much I love messing around with projectors and light in general. No doubt that I will want to incorporate this passion (coming from my filmmaking aspirations?) into my final project. Until then...

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